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Tichon & Youth Activities Sukkot Dinner & Party for 7-12th graders

Tichon & Youth Activities Sukkot Dinner & Party for 7th-12th graders

All 7th - 12th graders are invited to join us for a special holiday dinner and party in Neveh Shalom's beautiful sukkah to celebrate the end of our harvest holiday together.

Wednesday, October 23rd
6-8:30pm in the CNS Sukkah (on the Plaza)

Dinner: $12 per teen 
All teens--please RSVP for this program, whether you attend Tichon or not. If you are enrolled in the annual Wednesday Night dinners, this dinner is included in your enrollment.

Please use the drop down menus below to sign your teens up for the dinner and party. Also, let us know below if there are any special dietary needs we need to know about. We will do our best to accommodate.

Parent Information

Sign up for the Teen Dinner & Party in the Sukkah 

Please list any food allergies or sensitivities your teen might have. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785