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Kiddush Lunch Sponsorship

We are delighted to help you share your simcha, mark a special moment, or commemorate a yahrzeit with our community.

Following Shabbat services on Saturday morning, our community is invited to enjoy our kiddush lunch. We encourage you to contribute to our Kiddush Fund to help cover the costs of feeding our community each week. 

Please use the form below to contribute and be recognized for your Kiddush Contribution.

Personal Information


Please note that there may be multiple sponsors on any given date. Please contact Michelle Caplan if you need to make special arrangements, 503.246.8831.
You will be placed at a date of Neveh Shalom's choosing.
Ex. The Menashe Family; The Menashe Family in honor of Lisa Menashe, etc.


Contact Michelle Caplan with any logistical questions at 503.246.8831.
Make your check out to:
Congregation Neveh Shalom

Put in the memo line: 
Kiddush Lunch Sponsorship

Mail Check to:
Congregation Neveh Shalom - Kiddush Lunch
2900 SW Peaceful Lane
Portland, OR 97239

Contact Michelle Caplan with any logistical questions at 503.246.8831.


Thank you for your generosity!
You will only have a total here if you are paying now via credit card or ACH
Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785