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Young Adult Latke Ball 2022

Saturday, December 10, 2022 16 Kislev 5783

7:00 PM - 10:00 PMNeveh Shalom - Birnbach Hall

Back from college and looking to reconnect with old friends from Hebrew school, camp, or youth group? Or are you new to PDX and want to meet some new people?  Neveh Shalom will open its doors to the young adults of Portland's Jewish community this Chanukah season. Featuring drinks, latkes, music, witty banter, and fun! Ages 21-35ish.

Register by December 4th for $10.00 early-bird admission.

All other registrations are due by Thursday, December 8th - $18.00.

Chanukah Toilet Paper and Feminine Hygiene Supply Drive: It’s that time of year again when the Men’s Club, this year with the support of the Sisterhood, begins collecting rolls of toilet paper and feminine hygiene supplies to donate to Neighborhood House. It’s a true mitzvah for their clients in need. You can drop off your donation in the lobby/office at CNS or at any of the Chanukah happenings at Neveh Shalom. The Men’s Club can also pick it up, if easier, or you can make a monetary donation – if you choose either of these routes, please contact Ron Morris at Let’s build a truly miraculous TP/feminine supply Chanukiah this coming Chanukah!

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