"A Letter to Uncle Bruce" A grief-processing writing workshop
Monday, March 31, 2025 • 2 Nisan 5785
6:30 PM - 8:00 PMCongregation Neveh Shalom“Dear Uncle Bruce,
I just took a shot of tequila. Well, maybe I did, and maybe I didn’t. Every time I even think about tequila I think of you. Every time I read -- or think – about New York City, I think of you. Same when I see an image of Bill Clinton or John McEnroe, for you’d resembled each of them so closely. Same, too, when I see your picture, in hard copy, digital format, or even in my mind’s eye. Uncle Bruce, I miss you. And I keep thinking of you. So I wanted to write you this letter to let you know.”
That is how Jenn began a letter she wrote to her uncle in July 2020. He’d died in March.
Five years ago this month, Jenn lost her uncle, Bruce Director, z”l, after a rapid decline from pancreatic cancer, and she didn’t know how to process his death. Her uncle didn’t want a funeral. He died on a Friday; Jenn attended a Shabbat service the next morning to recite kaddish. That was it, and it wasn’t nearly enough.
So she turned to a tool known to provide solace when grieving: letter-writing. In sitting down and penning a letter to Uncle Bruce, it was like communing with the person she’d known via writing to him. There was a lot to share; there was a lot of processing to be done.
Laura Cohen, LCSW, agrees that writing is an important, uncomplicated and effective way to help manage hard times, including grief and the process of grieving someone (pets included) who has died. An underutilized coping mechanism, letter-writing is a gentle therapeutic tool.
Facilitated by Jenn Director Knudsen and Laura Cohen, LCSW
"A Letter to Uncle Bruce" Facilitators' Bios
Cost: $18/CNS Members | $22/Non-CNS Members*
*Cost should not be a prohibitive factor in your participation in CNS programs. Please contact lrichmond@nevehshalom.org if you need financial assistance to attend.
In this class, participants will receive:
- A journal and a pen
- Facilitated writing prompts
- Free writing time
- Time to check in as a group, reflecting ideas and feelings in the presence of Laura Cohen, LCSW, to remain present and engaging in self-care if needed
- Refreshments and beverages
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